Your legs aren’t the only area where spider veins can emerge. Here’s what you can do if spider veins or protruding veins appear on your face.
Spider veins — thin clusters of red or purple veins caused by dilated or broken blood vessels — typically crop up on the legs and ankles. Yet the condition, also known as telangiectasia, can appear on the face, particularly on the nose, cheeks, and chin, as well.
Unlike varicose veins on the legs, spider veins don’t typically cause discomfort or bulge outward from under the skin. In rare instances, however, veins along the forehead, temple, or just below the eye may protrude.
Most people seek treatment for facial spider veins for cosmetic reasons since the condition rarely indicates a more serious disorder. Fortunately, many of the same minimally-invasive methods used to eliminate varicose veins also work for spider veins.
Spider veins develop from a number of causes, including heredity. If a family member has spider veins, you’re more likely to have them, too. Other than a family history, prolonged exposure to the sun may damage blood vessels, bringing them to the surface of the skin. Likewise, blood vessels break when you switch from extreme hot to cold environments.
The hormonal changes that come with pregnancy further raise the chances of getting spider veins, although they tend to disappear after delivery. Spider veins are often seen on people with rosacea, a condition the turns facial skin a reddish color. Smoking and excessive alcohol consumption also play a role in the formation of facial spider veins.
Treatment for spider veins falls into two categories: at-home remedies that lessen the appearance of the web-like veins, and minimally-invasive surgical procedures.
At-home Remedies
Smoothing witch hazel or apple cider vinegar onto the spider veins may make them less noticeable. In addition, you can boost your intake of vitamin C, which promotes healthy blood vessels by maintaining the collagen in cells. However, while these treatments may reduce the appearance of spider veins, they don’t erase them permanently. For that, you’ll need to visit a vein specialist.
Minimally-Invasive Surgery
The latest method used to treat facial spider veins is the VeinGogh treatment. A probe as thin as a hair penetrates the vein and through it, a burst of heat clamps the vein shut. Eventually, the spider vein fades away. The only side-effect is a slight redness around the treated area.
Spider veins and more prominent veins on the face can be addressed with sclerotherapy, too. Through a small needle, a safe solution called a sclerosant is injected into the vein. The sclerosing agent acts as an adhesive between the vein walls, sealing the damaged vein shut.
Preventive Tips
If you think you’re at risk of facial spider veins, you can take some precautions to prevent them from developing. Curbing your time in the sun cuts down on the probability of getting spider veins. In addition, avoid hot saunas that could dilate blood vessels. Limit spicy foods, caffeine, and alcohol from your diet as well, as these items may enlarge blood vessels.
Many people attempt to hide their facial spider veins with makeup. But why cover them up when there are treatments available to permanently eliminate the condition? Here at Bellamah Vein Center, we offer several therapies, including the VeinGogh method, to help your skin look and feel great. Make an appointment with us today to learn more about your treatment options